Hello everyone ! On today's Chapter 3 of lifestyle there will not be a product review but about how i improve my sleeping quality ! we all know how important getting enough sleep is & also consequence of lack of sleep ! Even by knowing it's importance but when days hardly fall in sleep / insomnia comes without our will , it just can't help but turn things to a disaster !
Frankly previously i do suffer from insomnia / hardly falling a sleep and the experience is really horrible ! So today i'll be sharing ways that i used and really works on improving my sleeping quality ! However , even if you try to Google it , tons of result will be out , example cutting down intake of caffeine etc you can definitely go check them out !
And of course i CAN'T guaranty it will 100 % works on everyone due to different body type and lifestyle etc but will still somehow change your sleeping quality in a bit , you can always use it as reference = ) so let get started !!!!!
Ps. there's no scientific prove of this just pure personal experience

1 . Don't sleep with bad emotion state
If you feeling sad , stress or all other negative emotion throughout the day even before you're about to sleep , DO NOT ! EVER ! NEVER sleep with such negative emotion on ! Cause it will only make you' re sleeping quality even worse ! while you can't sleep / insomnia you'll naturally develop bad mood & if you doubling up the bad emotion you brought with sleep it'll just made things get even worst or even higher possibility of getting a nightmare even after falling asleep which will interrupt the sleeping quality .

My solution :
It doesn't matter a variety show you like or movie / drama / short clips you like , that will change you're mood towards relax & happy instead of those '' negative emotion '' , . Highly recommend a comedy genre and do a . v . o . i . d horror genre movies , you definitely don't want horror in you're dream while a sleep ! Or listen to calming & relaxing music will also be helpful ~
ps . do avoid getting over excited too , you'll end up hardly falling asleep too !

2 . Drink half glass of milk before sleep
Literally most of the site include this '' have a cup of milk before sleep '' , you might say puffttt ~ lame ! always the same thing ( that was me when at read this at the most site * oops * ) . But i honestly didn't know it actually works ! Drink half a glass of warm milk ( yes not cold but warm milk ) before bed really help you sleep better !

3 . Light stretching before sleep
Doing light stretching will actually help to increase the muscle strength and flexibility which will help to relax our body which will improve our sleep quality ! Honestly , i only found out this lately ( * urgh * should have earlier ) & it works magically ! Plus , you don't need to devote long time but all you need is 5 -10 minute light stretching before sleep . But remember NOT to over force while stretching cause opposite effect which worsen the sleeping quality ! Sincerely highly recommend this to people who suffer from insomnia / can't sleep do try this out , but remember NOT to over do it !
Ps . I don't really follow any tutorial for this , but here is what's similar with , & i love her channel so much or you can just search on youtube / google for other tutorial that suits you ^ ~ ^

4 . Sleep in schedule
In instant , if you always sleep at 10 go to bed at 10 , cause sleeping in schedule will help you to fall asleep much easier , since your body eventually get familiar with the routine , you'll automatically feel sleepy when it reach the time ( sleep schedule ) .
My solution :
Even though i still found myself struggling with the sleeping schedule , but if i '' accidentally '' didn' t sleep within the time schedule , i try to force ( force * lol * ) myself to sleep within the next pass hour or as closer to the sleep schedule as possible .
Hopefully you'll find this helpful ~ Let me know at the comment section below if it works on you ~and don't forget to follow me on Instagram @michelchloey
Michel Chloey
See you on the next post ,
XOXO , Dolfhion .