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Why don't you do this ? Why don't you try ? Why don't be like him/ her etc ? The question that start with '' why don't you... '' always make me taken a back , resent them when it comes to '' judgment WITHOUT knowing facts '' . To be honest , the word that's seem like a question asked but it seem more like a '' ironic advice'' and ''comment'' to me in such situation . If you ask is it a good thing NO ! A definite firm answer from me , NO ! Why ? Vise versa , why do you think i do this ? why do you think i didn't try ? or why did you think i never tried my best to be like him / her etc ? Do ever thought of this before asking ?

story of the day , judging with and without facts ( dolfhion88 ) michel chloey photography

Judging without knowing the facts only hurts someone to be really frank ! In instant , people might try their best , they might give it all but just because you THOUGHT they didn't but blasting you piece of '' advice '' jumping into conclusion , you might just hurt someone feeling '' unintentionally '' by not putting yourself in other shoes at first but giving an direct '' advise '' of yours ! It doesn't only hurt someone feelings but stealing and crushing they self esteem and even causing doubt to themselves later onward , and yes , that's how severe consequences that can be cause by a reckless '' advise '' !

whats wrong with secretary kim kdrama (dolfhion88) michel chloey
whats wrong with secretary kim kdrama (dolfhion88) michel chloey

Imagine if you work extremely hard but people keep criticizing you saying what did you even do , do you even try ! how do you feel ? will you feel discourage to take another try onward ? sad ? anger ? despair ? That's judging without knowing the fact ! Rather that a reckless '' advice '' why don't takes some time listen / understanding situation giving out an helpful advise ? It truly makes a different ! After all, advice should always be a guide help not ruthless sting and we don't want our good intention to turn bad don't we ?

story of the day , judging with and without facts ( dolfhion88 ) michel chloey photography

Don't let your emotion / feeling conquered by predators who judge without knowing facts , don't ever doubt the facts that you given the best of yourself just because someone reckless elevation or judgement saying you didn't ! Visible result or not you can't denied the fact YOU TRIED ! Keep yourself up ! Don't lost the confidence for trying !

Song recommend : Human - Christina Perri

I saw this quote words somewhere but barely remembering where , but it says '' human are like flower , treat them with gentle and care '' , why ? cause after all we are all just human !



Don't forget to follow my Instagram @michelchloey for my latest update !

Michel Chloey

See you on the next post ,

XOXO , Dolfhion .



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