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There's this drama series i watched this day and i remember it says '' the expression on your face doesn't always matches your heart '' ! I quietly knocking my head as my heart yelling '' hell yes '' !!! ( * excuse my language * ) Can't agree more ! i always refer those expression as the transparent multi fake mask that we have within us , the happy face , excited face , touched face etc .

In instant , while you're sad '' nope , i'm cool i'm fine mask '' ! While you're hurt '' nah , i don't really care mask '' ! etc . In other word , pretending to be happy , fine , committed , excited etc . But ... are you really feeling happy ? Are you really fine ?

fake mask ( dolfhion88 ) ( michel chloey )

Before that , i have to say , faking your personality and wearing a fake mask is a whole lots of different story , fake personality will roughly be a change of personality depending situation or people which involve beneficial etc , fake mask will be hiding & pretending your emotion or facial expression which is totally opposite from heart for situation / people , in other word fake mask is a perfectly repackaged emotion and facial expression .

what's wrong with secretary kim
what's wrong with secretary kim

Back again , somehow and unfortunately , this fake mask turns to a '' common thing '' in the society this day , creating the unbreakable visual appearance , setting the wall up high guarding in with this thick bulletproof vest , in order to protect ourself , withstand or hide in all sort of hurts & pain !

Nevertheless , they tent to choose one type of mask to disguise themselves whenever they meet someone - smile , also the often used type ! Despite how hard they're bleed battling inside they'll only allow themself to let out those real emotion when they're totally ALONE or the worse ... probably NEVER !

fake mask ( dolfhion88 ) ( michel chloey )

Showing only the best of them , pretending their toughness , happiness etc doing the best of them to carefully hide in every single piece of negative emotion from others , in order to prevent themselves from getting hurt or doing it for the others sake ! Others sake ? In instant , to make others feel relief , comfortable etc , others feeling tent to be the primary consideration of them instead of themself !

There might a thousand reason hidden behind those fake mask but mostly it start with this word '' afraid '' ! Afraid of people judgement , afraid of getting hurts , afraid it might bother or troubled someone , afraid someone will see through you etc ...

my id is gangnam beauty kdrama ( dolfhion88 ) ( michel chloey )
my id is gangnam beauty kdrama ( dolfhion88 ) ( michel chloey )

In other word , the others see emotion as '' emotion '' but for them is just purely '' facial expression '' to present to someone else ! However , the continuously wearing fake mask would eventually leads to circumstance where you might even starts questioning yourself by the authentic of your own emotion . But the truth is , sometimes they do get hurts even more by putting this fake mask on .

what wrong with secretary kim kdrama (dolfhion88) michel chloey
what wrong with secretary kim kdrama (dolfhion88) michel chloey
what wrong with secretary kim kdrama (dolfhion88) michel chloey
what wrong with secretary kim kdrama (dolfhion88) michel chloey

the one who say '' is okay '' and doesn't care much , sometime is the one who care the most

'' So who should we actually believe ? '' the next dialog from the drama series . Sometime , we probably can't truly understand well since we didn't been through what they had that triggered this fake mask mode or even spot the existing of fake mask in them .

Other that saying who should we believe , it will be better to put it this way '' care if you really care '' , everyone have the hidden story inside of them , by communicating , caring & spending time with them , is one of the way to break through those wall but remember , breaking in by force will only inverse things up !

You' ll never know sometime your small words & gesture might bring a big comfort to them .

Recommended song : fake love - Bts

It's okay - Btob

Honestly , is okay to cry ! Is okay to admit you're sad ! Is okay to admit you're not fine about it ! This DOESN'T meant you're admitting being weak , but letting you're real emotion out is the way that really makes you grow stronger & tougher , laugh while you're happy , cry it out while you're feeling sad . And , is really okay to step out from the fake mask mode and take a deep breath sometime !



Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @michelchloey to check out the latest update !

Michel Chloey

See you on the next post ,

XOXO , Dolfhion .



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