안녕하세요 여러분 ! Welcome back to chapter 10 of kdrama antidote ( * oh yea~~~~ * ) , after the last episode of '' What wrong with secretary Kim '' , i told myself '' is the end , no more kdrama '' , but .... i lie ( * lol * ) so this review and recommendation is for those who having the same dilemma as i am ( * kekekeke * ) , of course if you're new to kdrama i'm truly welcome as well ( * evil laugh on * muahahahaha ) ! Before staring , here comes the doctor & cosmetic surgeries season huh ~ dear writer ... and say hi amnesia hi trauma ( old but gold cliche * lol * ) so cut the long chase & let 's get started !
1 . Thirty but seventeen ( still seventeen ) 서른이지만 열일곱입니다

Review :
Here comes the saver after having dilemma from '' what wrong with secretary kim '' ! Really loving the drama story plot is simply amazing it doesn't really have m. u . c . h cliche point ( so far ) or a single second that bored you out ! Every emotion scene in it is a big drop bomb type , is a calm sea but you can't really put judgement , but i still getting those feeling of tissue time as it goes. Meantime , it also have slight similarity slapstick point with '' what's wrong with secretary kim '' .
Beside , i really like how Shin Hye Sun portal her character , she really did a perfect job portraying it . Overall , is full pack of romance , really light bromance and a light comedy point type of drama ~ If you like '' what wrong with secretary kim '' you will be liking this for sure !!!! This is one of my top recommending drama !
Ps . the alert waves of second male lead syndrome will be strong in this drama ( i'm already in who's with me ? )

Recommending rate :
9 . 5 / 10
Total episode :
40 episode ( 2 consecutive episode , each 35 plus minute )

In case you might ask ( spoiler ) :
So the story is about a 17 year old girl falling for 30 year old man ?
oh come on !!!! RE-READ the synopsis !!!! She when COMA for 13 years while she's seventeen and she's age of 30 NOW ! So she have 30 year old body but 17 mental age , got it ~~~~ ?!
Why she's acting so childish ?
( * gasp air * ) Imagine yourself seventeen you wake up from coma after 13 year which you don't even know you '' sleep '' for 13 years , so how on earth will you have the 20's & 30's thoughts / maturity when you only remember yourself as seventeen teens ? !
2 . Familiar wife 아는 와이프

Review :
I have lots of expectation is one of the drama i keep waiting for but ! But ! and unfortunately the first episode appear to see like is a big remake of '' go back couple '' ( which gave another chills on marriage relation like AGAIN ! ) , after going back to synopsis ( oh yeah that the same ) But why ~~????!!!!!
However , the second episode kind of gave me hope a little , it reduce the similarity of '' go back couple '' , but it actually start becoming much intriguing , as is a much dramatically slight comedy way of repackaging the '' go back couple '' drama ~ Meanwhile , it'll roughly be fantasy , romance type of drama which magical change their fates .
Overall , it do gave you the exact same '' go back couple '' '' delusion '' ( * lol * ) at first , but as it goes you just get the similar vibes more that similar story plot ( even though there's point that still remind of '' g . b . couple '' ) . Conclusion , no is not the same as '' go back couple '' ! ( so far )
Ps . personally think it will be better if they show both side marriage perspective instead of one ( hopes in further episode )

Recommendation rate :
7 / 10
Total episode :
16 episode

In case you might ask ( spoiler ) :
How similar is ''familiar wife '' & '' go back couple '' ?
From staring 80 to now probably 50 % ( for the similar vibes) ?! '' go back couple '' is about making things up in the present , but as for '' familiar wife '' will be changing thing in future . Is like a mixture of '' go back couple '' & '' butterfly effect '' movie , even though you still get the similar part / remind of '' go back couple '' sometimes but so far overall it still had it different between this both drama !
* Ps the coin thing do remind me of another Singapore drama '' three wishes '' (do recommend this drama) tho ~
Did he actually forget about his kids ( new timeline ) ?
Unfortunate , yes , he do forget about them ! By clearly aware he were going to make change in the past that might effect the future but due to his own frustration / tired of old living lifestyle etc , he '' accidentally '' sacrifice his child to start a new life and get over it fast which i have to agree it do make him look little cruel at that part !
Kinda understand his frustration of yearning a new live but instantly getting over his child part ( new timeline ) do make him look a little cruel tho !
3 . Risky romance 사생결단 로맨스

Review :
Here comes the doctor medical genre drama ~ i didn't really expect much while i watch this drama at first ! But it turn out is kind of intriguing tho ~ The drama pace move faster that i though it will be & not much of draggy scene , at the same time , i do get the a little similarity of '' wok of love '' in some part of the plot ( * just slight * ) !
Indeed is kind of '' classic '' kdrama plot , the hate hate love love things but have to agree i sort of loving the whole repackaging of the drama , it do make you forget about those cliche as your're enjoying it ! Little spoiler ( or not ) the drama characters will '' sort of '' piss you out & get annoyed so brace yourself for those part like really ! Overall , not that bad & do think the drama is way too underated !
Ps . a little advise do NOT watch it with your earphone on , you'll know what i mean ... eventually - r.i.p ear-phone

Recommending rate :
6 / 10
Total episode :
32 episode

In case you might ask ( spoiler ) :
Why the male lead keep harassing her ( female lead ) ?
The main reason why cause he thought she 's the person who cause his best friend dead !
Why is the male lead keep screaming ? !
Hmmn ... no idea tho ! Even his colleague dying to find out ( so do i ) the cause ! But one thing for sure it related to the fatal accident of his best friend !
4. Let me introduce her 그녀로 말할 것 같으면

Review :
I have to say this is those type of drama that made you love & hate it so much at the same time ! Is a thrilled , romance , mystery drama that filled with lot's of plot twist ( which is good ) , at the same time also full of ridiculous story point ( the hate part * eye roll * ) . Instant , someone actually forget her own identity & her cool , '' cleverness '' after wake up from plastic surgery & acting totally opposite as her original personality nor her previous younger version of her ! how did all this happen after plastic surgery ?
Conclusion , is a drama you can aspect much in term of plot twist which will totally impress you but no really on logic but if you're a plot twist lover or mystery engross like me you 'll be liking this ! Despite a little frustration on the starting this is highly recommended !
Ps . save me Ost from is an pure addiction ~ ( * i can't help to say this * )

Recommending rate :
9 / 10
Total episode :
40 episode ( 4 consecutive episode , each 35 plus minute )

In case you might ask / disappointment ( spoiler ) :
What with the before after plastic surgery result ?
yeah ! Like tell me about it ~~~!!! The whole drama stuck me with this question ! And they do turn someone young to mature ! not to mention the height !
Why she's still wearing the bracelet even though she forget her memory ?
one , for someone can identify her by the bracelet & tell her identity , two you change your face for a new life & by clearly knowing someone hunting you all the time , so ...... WHY STILL WEAR THAT BRACELET !!! so they able to identify you much easier ?
What with the story ?
lol ! Despite it have lot's of other obvious solution like '' not say it out loud or acting it obvious when you' re '' muscle memory '' remind you a thing while you're '' investigating '' something . Not to mention , go to the news team find out if there's any photo of '' previous '' her or even get someone at the news team who know her , not to mention her own mother is also a way to find out her identity ( don' t tell me there's not a single photo of her ) etc - problem solved !
Did the plastic surgeon fall in love with the person who's assemble his mother face ?
YES . ( * whuuuuuutttttt * ) So is this like a son mother love or couple lover love ? I have no idea !
5. My id is gangnam beauty 내 아이디는 강남미인

Review :
A drama that makes you heart flutter ( * lol me again *) despite it have high cliche that makes you cringe but i kind of liking those cliche which really makes you heart flutter & scream high echo of excitement when your alone ( or is just me again ? ) I did watch a few episode of the webtoon version , there's slight differentiation & rearranged scene between it , instant , leads personality , blunt cruelty speech ( * lol * ) etc but overall story still remaining the same ( so far ) , but i do like the drama version more ... somehow !
Totally skeptic about it at first cause it can a really '' risky '' type of plot ( especially the reason of getting plastic surgery ) but the drama makes you understand & empathize why , truly appreciate that part ! Overall , is a high romance comedy heartwarming type of drama if you romance lover this is your call !

Recommending rate :
8 / 10
Total episode :
16 episode

Which drama is you're current favorite ? let me know at the comment section below ~ And don't forget to follow me on Instagram @michelchloey .
Michel Chloey
See you on the next post ,
XOXO , Dolfhion .