A day when i'm alone , wandering around here and there with my ear phone on playing one of my favorite song from Btob . That moment their song was played on my playlist , the song named "someday" by Btob was played during "the incident happened ".
( i put the link of this song right at the bottom of this post , do check them out ^^ * my recommendation , do play the song while reading it *)

The bright and sunny sun right on top of you yet there ain't much feeling of heat from the sun but , cool air breeze wind blow toward you , you wound't feel any chill or freeze in it , but, as the wind that came across you when you're chilling at the beach enjoying the view and breeze of the sea , you feel relax as it blow away your stress and whenever thing that disturbing your thought. The wind itself it feel so different comparing to the usual wind ...somehow different ...
I come across to this path of walkway that about to walk through , the path was fill with brownish yellow dried leaf and some broken tree brunches from the tree beside . Wind that blow from time to time , all those dried leaf blow to the edges of the path and some to the green grass beside . That moment of comfortable wind blow and pretty scene create by the nature, really makes me want to stop my steps and close my eye for just a second and enjoying the cool breeze that blow through your hair .

( I'm so immersed to the weather and the whole scene and i actually forget to take the photo of the walkway which filled with the dry leaves but i did manage to took a photo that full of flower petal after it . Opsss~~~ )
After walking a while of long walk , i sat on the bench below of the shade of tree , opening the tumbler from the beg i keep next to me and taking a slip of water and trying to rest for a while , listening to the music that playing through my earphone .

( And again instead of remembering myself of taking photo of the place i sit took a photo below where i sit , which is the floor *face palm * yea~ there is leaf tho, from the tree that right on top of my head which i forget to take a picture of it *one more face palm *. )

Strangely , out of sudden, i feel my eye was filled with tear and tear started to fall . To be honest , it was so strange that i actually feeling sentimental and emotional so sudden , the first thought was why ? Why am i'm crying , i pretty sure that i'm not that wrenched or sad that moment ? Is it because of the song ? Did the song remind me of something ? Or is it because of the weather ? An even right now , this moment i'm writing this blog ,still try to reminisce and figure it out why , to be really frank , this is really my first time feeling emotion out of sudden without me knowing the reason and without anything that caused it . Weird... so weird ...
Perhaps , is just that on the perfect weather that i like , that whole perfect scene that i saw , with the song that i like , was a perfect fit to the whole scene ,so somehow evoke the tear in me ? Or is the deepest , sensitive feeling and emotion that berried inside of me which i ignored and barely noticed feeling ,somehow just burst out ...? i guess ...? probably? is still a mystery to me tho... a mystery that i want to find out why .
( That moment played song , Someday - Btob, you will definitely fall in love with their powerful vocal. ) (Btob , everyone, make some noise * scream * ) . Do check them out , they also have a comeback recently , which the song also added to my favorite song bucket list , do listen to it too , missing you -Btob .
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See you on the next post,
XOXO , Dolfhion .