Can believe time past so fast so do 2017 (* sob sob*) , when you think of your actually one year older next year (* dramatic cry * noooooo~~ ) . Back to today topic (*saving the tear after Christmas *sob sob *) , Christmas is just around the corner yey~~~ ( *me being excited again * humming the Christmas song * ) , can't believe is just few days left before Christmas (*can't hide my excitement *) , did you did your Christmas shopping ? How about the Christmas gift for your friend and the love one ? Last but not least , do you prepare the outfit that you're going to wear this Christmas ?

Due to the hectic preparation some of you might forget about this - outfit for this Christmas , shops for yourself , (do get yourself a gift or treat yourself a little something as a little encouragement for yourself on working hard this year ^.< ) Neither you're fully prepare or not , in today's topic , (*at last i'm in the topic now *face palm* ) , i will be sharing styling ideas for this upcoming Christmas , hopefully it will give you some idea on styling in this Christmas , let's get started .

Cape top is also one of my favorite item , wearing it simply create a feminine stylish . Every time i mention cape top i think of this girl which asking me what the hell i'm wearing using absurd description and putting extra force in her hand to flipping the cape top i'm wearing out of her curiosity even causing a loud ripping sound ( * eye rolls * ) . Overall is a long story , but when i meet sometime she actually own one cape top. Welcome to earth~ (* doing the ET finger touch *) ( * keeping it short here or else is going to be pages * )

*Me thinking food ... always ( excuse me for my imagination for a minute kekekekekeke =p ) *

*Puling my own hair to wake up from food imagination *
First styling idea will be , presenting the elf outfit look ~~ ( *wohoooooo* ) , the combination of vibrant red and darker tone green in other word everyone knows your ready for Christmas =p . A dark tone green of cape top styling with a red mini skirt , giving you a cheerful , youth appearance . If you need a more maturity look you can always replace the mini skirt with a pencil fit skirt and you're ready to go .

Flannel shirt or something tartan pattern will always be one of the choice that will help to bring out the Christmas festive mood. A piece of flannel or any tartan pattern piece either a top , skirt or a scarf styling it with a simply and single tone type of clothes will be the best for flannel or tartan , in other words keep it simple when it come to this two.

Moving on to the second styling idea here , presenting a more casual style , which you don't really want to stand out much in the crowd but being notice with the ''careless stylish '' of yours. By styling light grey tees and vibrant red of mini skirt and pairing it with a monotone flannel top to create the girl next door style . You can simply replace the grey tees to a white tees if you need a strong Christmas theme type of style.

Christmas to me something with burgundy ''a.k.a'' wine red or something with comes with brighter red , not the forget the little touch or army green / green colour or white colour , it will always be perfect for this festive (of course that only based on my personal preference ) .
Ps. not wearing all colour in once , please don't get me wrong . =^.^=

Presenting the third last styling idea which is a little preppy type of style , by using army green tees and a white collar top ( wearing it under ) and pairing it with red mini skirt . If your looking for feminine young preppy look this might be that choose. You can also add a black silk scarf and tie it (ribbon) around the collar to enhance the preppy style .
Hopefully it gave you a little idea on styling for this upcoming Christmas , wishing you a advance , Merry Christmas and happy holiday everyone , remember to subscribe me to catch up my blogs update and follow me on Instagram @michelchloey ^.<
See you on the next post,
XOXO , Dolfhion