Hello everyone 안녕하세요 ~~~ Welcome to my first k drama review post ( *woooohoooo*) , i will be sharing drama that i personally think that's worth catching up k- drama which is still on going right now . If your still wondering which k- drama you should be stating with , this will give you an idea (* i hope so *) to filled up your weekend and your free time . Before i started , k drama fans , make some noise (scream *&%##@#$&!#^% ) , i'm really a hardcore fans of k-drama especially this day , absolutely obsess about it . ( shy shy shy )
Before we start , this post will be breaking it into 2 part , this post i will be sharing four of it and the second part will be sharing another four with the total amount of eight , plus i will also be giving some of my thought a little brief review to each drama without spoiling the drama plot here ( no one like spoiler right ? full review perhaps coming up next ? not sure about that yet , but do stay tune on my SNS and blog update ^ .< ) . Let's get started !!!!
* Ps. The arrange bellow does't count as ranking of the k- drama .
1 . While you were sleeping 당신이 잠든 사이에

Staring Cast : Lee Jong Suk , Bae Suzy , Lee Sang Yeob , Jung Hae In , Ko Sung Hee etc.
Genre : Romance , Fantasy, Thriller .
Synopsis : The women that can see the future in her dream , a prosecutor who fights to stop these future unfortunate events from happening. The hero and heroine that will go around to prevent the tragic vision that seen i dream on coming true... (want to know more ? you will have to start watching it now ( wahahahahaha * evil laugh on * )

My opinion / thought so far : Round of applause , to me best movie or drama will be those will always have plot twist that we did ready for neither expected . This drama truly have it all , from romance to thrill and adding a slight comedy element , that's well balanced . Perfect drama if your looking for drama that have multi genre. Drama that used fantasy element to me is massive bet , it might be too exaggerate that leave people totally speechless or it might in other way , this drama is definitely in the positive site , supernatural power about seeing future in the dream just right at the acceptable point of fantasy line, not much of exaggeration, but made you immerse with them in the fantasy world .
Starting of the drama that give you a strong impact , straight the point , that grab your attention directly .Hence , i would say this will be a drama that won't disappoint you and it will be a total worth watching drama here. It will be having 32 episode ( it ended a few days ago *me denying the truth * i'm going to miss all the oppa's in the drama *noooooo Jae Chan oppa , Woo Tak oppa....*cry *), each episode will take around 25 to 30 plus minute .

*Beware of your heart , it will be stollen by oppas ,especially , Jae Chan oppa (Lee Jong Suk ) & Woo Tak oppa ( Jung Hae In ) . YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ! ( *the evil laugh on * buahahahahahaha )

Check out their official drama teaser below ( While you were sleeping 당신이 잠든 사이에 ) :
2. Because this is my first life 이번 생은 처음이라

Staring cast : Lee Min Ki , Jung So Min etc .
Genre : Comedy , romance .
Synopsis : Nam Se Hee , single men that's in his 30's that own a house and montages , who choose not to married . Yoo Ji Ho , single women that in her early 30's , that doesn't own a house and envy those who have , and become house mate with Nam Se Hee ...

My opinion / thought so far : How is the drama ? Brilliant !!!!! Dae to the bak ~~~ Totally my type of style ! Comedy and romance that so on to the point , the plot twist in the drama that i mention about , check . The strong plot twist , you might never think of , comedy that come without having a sign , unpredictable drama line not to mention about those quirky character part ,check . ( oppps ~ don' t want to be spoiler here , stopping here , you'll have to watch it yourself =p ) .
A drama that keep giving you surprise that you might not thought of , i would say this will be a drama that if you missed one episode you kind of miss it all because from what i see till now , every episode their throwing new surprise and humorous point to us viewer , really refreshing drama line hard to resist the charm of the drama , important part here , you will never get bored of it but keep asking for more and is a very entertaining drama to watch .It will take around 1 hour plus for each episode , running time will be on Monday and Tuesday . If you're person that dislike those ordinary predicted drama story line , then this will definitely be your choose and reason you fall in love with k drama .

BEWARE OF THE HEART STEALER , proudly present Bok Nam oppa (Kim Min kyu , you seriously cant resist him and his killer smile ) ( I name it , Mr. dimple *shy shy shy * ) YOU HAVE BEEN STRICTLY WARNED ! ( while me staring at him from thee screen cap photo that i put here and typing this *shy shy shy * , you might be next *the shy evil laugh for this time * on * haha...hahahahaha..* )

Check out their official drama teaser below ( Because this is my first life 이번 생은 처음이라 ) :
3. Mad dog 매드독

Staring Cast : Yoo Ji Tae , Woo Do Hwan , Ryu Hwa Young , Jo Jae Yoon , Kim Hye Sung , Hong Soo Hyun etc .
Genre : Crime , Thriller
Synopsis : Choi Kang Woo is a former detective , but currently working as a veteran insurance investigator. He leads a team (mad dog ) that attempts to reveal insurance fraud cases .

My opinion / thought so far : How about this drama ? how it is ? Daebak !!!!!! A drama that even at the starting of first episode it actually hooked you to keep watching it , a really new drama plot , thrill adding slight of humor point adding emotional scene , one word perfect . A drama that you can't really guess what will happen next but it dig out your curiosity , yearning the answer on what going to happen next , the story line that made you believe what happen , but creating mind storm in your mind later on . My advice ? Do prepare a box of tissue beside you cause you might be hit up by the sudden emotion scene , thank me later.
The running time will be on Wednesday and Thursday , it takes an hour plus for each episode. Frankly speaking , this drama made me want to re-watching from the starting even i haven't finish the drama , the drama is kind of underrated , but to be honest this is definitely good and worth watching i truly recommend this drama and if your not a fans of romance, then this will be your choose . Despite that , really have to gave a round of applause to all the writer and actor here, they really bring the drama to the whole new level here , daebak ~~~Definite answer from me , yes i'm will be continue watching it for sure , and a definitely worth watching drama here.

Woo Do Hwan , he definitely get my attention from the another drama "save me " , he turn me fan to crazy girling about him ,even his voice able to make you flutter , BEWARE YOU WILL BE NEXT ~ (muahahahahaha )

Check out one of their official drama teaser ( Mad dog 매드독 ) :
4. My Golden Life 황금빛 내 인생

Staring Cast : Park Si hoo , Shin Hye sun , Lee Tae hwan , Seo Eun soo etc .
Genre : Family , Drama , Romance .
Synopsis : Seo ji an, who has a chance for success, but falls into a bottomless pit of her life. She looks for ways to find happiness through her circumstance.

My opinion / thought so far : My first impression the title give me the though of romance going on kind of drama , chaebol male lead meeting a poor female lead from hating each other to flirting and falling in love kind of drama , and i totally wrong about it . Instead , it is more toward family drama kind of direction , more towards the previous drama " father is strange " kind of range type story line but for sure with different kind of drama plot. What impress me that , this drama going to be a long drama , but i didn't notice much of dragging scene but surprising it move fast and smoothly .
This will be a totally worth watching warm drama , the plot is realistic and relatable that definitely a point to attract the viewers , plot twist in this drama is a big hit here . My advice here , do prepare a box of tissue beside you , trust me you will be needing it later , and prepare to be annoyed by some of the ridiculous attitude character in it , and of course time to time humor point that balanced in all. The running time will be on Saturday & Sunday ,with total of 50 episode .

Second male lead syndrome happening (Lee Tae Hwan )~~~ they say two is better one , so we are taking two here .^.<

Check out one of their official drama teaser ( Mad dog 매드독 ) :
You favorite drama is not in this list? Scroll below to continue reading part 2 of this post , happy reading ^.<
XOXO , Dolfhion