Hello guys ~ welcome to my second kdrama review post . Before i start , welcome to ...(*drum roll *) the detective season (*wo....hoooo , yea.....eh* *acting surprise* ) , what I'm saying is there's three yes , your not seeing things or misreading thing here , three detective theme drama in this end of November of 2017 , this is the first time i guess (at least and the journey of me obsessing in kdrama world it is =/ ) back to the point , this post i will be sharing my first impression and the review so far about this three drama here (without spoiling drama content *hopeful * ) ,so let's get started ~
Oh yes , before i start i have to say this , even three drama is using detective as the main theme of the drama but , the story flow ,content is definietly different , no worries . (in case if you get me wrong here ^.^)
Ps . The below arrangement is not based on ranking of drama.
1. Two cops 투깝스

Staring cast : Jo Jung Suk , Hyeri , Kim Seon Ho etc.
Genre : Romance , Comedy , Fantasy , Mystery .
Total episode : 32
My current episode : 4
Synopsis : Story will be taking about a detective , Cha Dong Tak and swindler's cooperate solving cases together .

First impression / thought so far :
Can't deny that i start watching this drama because of Jo Jung Suk , he capture my attention since '' oh my ghostess '' and also his most recent drama ''jealousy incarnate '' , not to mention when he sing , he just make you fall for him every time you see him ( me fangirling again ). Back to the point ( * finger snap with the shy face cause of over fangirling on * ) , when i watching this drama without reading synopsis , just knowing Jo Jung Suk and Hyeri ( girl's day ) will be in and by the title that gave me an idea which will be talking about police , detective kind of drama , bring those thought watching the drama ,honest speaking , i get more surprise and stunned by the drama plot ( perhaps sometime skipping synopsis is not a bad idea * saying own idea is not bad * face palm * )

The first and second episode , you will just get hooked , the drama itself don't really have that space that bored you , like at all . You will be entertain for the stating till the end of the episode , you wouldn't notice how fast time flies and how instant one episode can finish in a blink of an eye (even is just 30 more of less for one episode , but still... is fast ) , what my point is , you will be hooked , immerse by the drama and totally forget about time . The story itself, it move fast but catchable , twisting point ? surprise ? Yes , that you won't see that coming , you can be expecting lots of action scene (since is a detective theme drama ,you should see that coming).

Loving how the story flow , thrill ,serious scene with a little magic touch of humor point giving a touch up , is just perfect . The character is well designed , a big contrast between both main , which is a big task for the actor to played well (i'm about to spoiled the drama , stopping here ) Overall , i can say yes , is a interesting drama so far , and definitely will keep my eye on it , can't wait to see whats going to happen next and if you're fans of comedy , mystery ,supernatural and romance this is be your choice .
2. Doubtful victory 의문의 일승

Staring cast : Yoon Kyun Sang , Jung Hye Sung , Kim Hee Won etc.
Genre : Crime , thrill
Total episode : 40
My current episode : 4
Synopsis : A fake detective, Oh Il-Seung , punishes evil and regains his real life. Kim Jong-Sam , who was framed for murdering someone and received the death penalty...

First impression / thought so far :
Let's see... how do i say ...the first episode , scene is kind of muddling and jumpy , it seems to trying stuff everything occur next in one episode for the past 20 plus minute and using the left 10 minute plus to cover the whole thing that happen previously. The second episode , i really have to say this , there that one scene where you will seriously found it ridiculously in other word not not really rational neither logical (little spoiler here , the water recuse scene ) .

Honest speaking . the plot flow doesn't really that appealing to me especially the starting of the drama a little to much of "detail flash back " in the 3 to 4 episode is also one of the point that bother me even doubting to continue . Is understandable the writer might want to let viewer to understand what happen previously , but my personal thought i think it will be much better to break the "detail flash back" smaller pieces and adding it time to time , it might be much better tht way , anyway is just my personal thought here. But , there always a but , the 4 episode kind of save it all , it bring back my attention that twist that happen will really get you ,big twist that you wouldn't think of , yah now we are talking ~keeping my eye on this , can't wait to see how the story will be carry on after that twist .

The "two cops" and "doubtful victory" share the same airing day and time , so if you ask my personal preference of mine i will say "two cops" will be my slight favorite drama currently . If your fan of crime and thrill and a little upcoming romance will be adding in (i guess) perhaps this will be your choice ,
Check out their official teaser below (Doubtful victory 의문의 일승) :
3. Untouchable 언터처블

Staring cast : Jin Goo , Kim Sung kyun , Jung Eun ji , Go Joon hee etc.
Genre : Action , Thriller , Mystery , Crime
Total episode : 16
My current episode : 2
Synopsis : City of Bukcheon has been dominated by the Jang family for pass 3 generations. Jang Joon-Seo is the second son of family leader Jang Beom-Ho. Jang Joon Seo tries to reveal the truth and a secret from his family.

First impression / thought so far :
When i know Jin Goo is in this drama , my reaction , your on my list baby~ (buahahahaha *evil laught on *) , you should be familiar with him if you watch " descendants of the sun '' ,and be remind of Song Jong Ki and song song couple (*the dramatic cry * ) . Just can't move on with his uniform killer look ( *sob sob*) but even your without the uniform in this drama you sill look dashingly good , ( back ! back ! ) Back to the point , (*with the shy face of over fangirling again face on *) the first episode , how do i say . the drama flow that give you answer at the starting and throwing question to us viewer , which automatically create that strong desire to find out the answer , the only way to solve question is by keep watching it ..

In other word , is a drama that create curiosity and push you find out the answer , shorter word ? brilliant ~ It doesn't have that much of boring point instead , every point is a important key point . My advice here , if your watching or going to watch this, try not to skip or been "distracted " . Apparently , that me watching first time been "distracted" missing some part don't getting the story , second time watching it without being "distract " and finally everything make sense now (* face palm*) .

The story flow is really good , good starting by throwing strong impact punch which grab your attention right away , round of applause to the writer , director not to mention actors that bring the drama alive . Definitely , keep my eye on it and solving my question at the same time , getting the feeling of twist going to happen soon , who know? is just part of my guess we will see. You 're not a fan of comedy neither romance perhaps this can be consider.
Check out their official teaser below (Untouchable 언터처블) :
Conclusion of three drama :
Even though the share the same theme ( decetive ) but the genre and story line is a big split between this three ,you won't feel the same or seeing same thing in each of the drama , at this point i will say it will be a personal preference here based on genre or other factor ( like your favorite oppas * kekekeke * ) since is a little too early to judge is it good or bad ,worth or not worth to watch , so below i made a small description on how i feel and giving example based on similar genre :
Two cops : Similar feeling as your watching "while your were sleeping " , you feel the thrill and tense at the same time the humor point that will be hitting your laughing point .
Doubtful victory : Similar feeling of watching kdrama.
Untouchable : Similar feeling as your watching " criminal mind " , you will be asking question why and having that strong curiosity and desire , yearning for an answer .
Hopefully it will be helping you to decide on which to start up with . What do you think of this three drama ? which is your favorite ? let me know ,and remember to follow me on Instagram @michelchloey , to check up new update of blog.
See you on the next post ^.<
XOXO , Dolfhion .